Introducing Intraoral Cameras: Enhancing Dental Care And Patient Experience

patient exam with intraoral camera

Introducing Intraoral Cameras: Enhancing Dental Care And Patient Experience

Intraoral cameras have revolutionized the field of dentistry by providing a valuable tool for both dentists and patients. These small, pen-sized cameras are designed to capture high-quality images of the inside of the mouth, allowing dentists to get a close-up view of the teeth and gums in real time. The use of intraoral cameras offers numerous advantages that benefit both... read more »

Woman in Dental Chair for Dental Cleaning

Helpful Dental Tips for a Healthier, Brighter Smile

Taking care of your teeth is essential to maintaining good oral health and preventing dental issues in the future. At Englewood Dentistry by Dr. Roshana Sherzoy, there are several key practices that can help you ensure the health and longevity of your teeth. First and foremost, it is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day, using fluoride... read more »

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